The Importance of Touch

Touch is our natural language for affection, love and connection and helps us live in harmony with ourselves, each other and the planet.

But most of our daily exchanges originate from our thinking mind and are purpose, belief and information driven – much like computers that can talk their ass off now.

Kind respectful touch, instead, awakens our best human qualities, feeding the soul and counter-balancing our busy mind with the wisdom of our heart.

Sharing quality touch has scientifically proven physical and emotional health benefits, and spending more time in touch and less in comfort-consuming can benefit both us and our planet.

About Paul

Even as a little kid it was clear to me there is not enough love and touch in the world. And after working as an engineer in technology for more than a decade, I finally made the switch to somatic studies and work.

I write about the “silly” notion that kind, respectful touch can actually help build deeper connection, teach love and bring peace. Seriously!

It also helps us learn how to respect boundaries, ours and other people’s.

And I love to challenge the norms of how we relate, exploring the therapeutic benefits and hidden potential of touch.

Born in the US and raised between Greece and the north of England, I spend my time in California and in the Greek islands where I offer retreats and classes in the healing art and science of touch.

More by Paul Magoulas:

Critical Mass of Love

Can it Change Everything?

Touch in Motion

An interpersonal activity game of embodied action and relating using our heart, mind, body and spirit.

Classes and Workshops:

For the latest science and research into the health benefits of touch and hugs please visit our informative website:

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Copyright © 2024 Paul Magoulas